Video 2024年4月15日

Decoding decarbonisation: Unlock potential and cut costs

In the past year, the UK’s 能源 prices rollercoaster has left many of us with whiplash. But now that seems to be steadying, it’s the perfect opportunity to crank up your organisation’s decarbonisation activities.

Debunking decarbonisation myths

What’s stopping organisations from embracing decarbonisation? 对于一些, it might seem like an issue beyond their control, too costly or simply not their responsibility. But here’s the truth: it is achievable, and there are plenty of benefits.

The beauty of a well-developed decarbonisation strategy is that it focuses on 能源 reduction – which, 反过来, 节省成本. 这是 a business case worth exploring. By assisting customers in developing and delivering net zero strategies, we’re helping them navigate the path from conception to completion.

Four key steps to building a decarbonisation strategy

So, how can your organisation start building a solid decarbonisation strategy? Chart your course with these steps:

  1. 理解问题. Get to grips with your organisation’s emissions and 能源 consumption levels. This provides a clear starting point for your net zero carbon journey.
  2. 制定计划. Create a comprehensive action plan that outlines the steps needed to reduce your 能源 use and decrease emissions. This should include short-term and long-term goals, as well as the tools and resources needed to achieve them.
  3. 分解好处. Communicate the advantages to decision-makers within your organisation. Highlight the cost savings that come with reduced 能源 use, along with the positive impact on your organisation’s green credentials.
  4. 寻求专家支持. Partner with consultants and experts who can help deliver your decarbonisation strategy, from consultancy to physical implementation. Having a robust support network can be invaluable in overcoming hurdles and bringing your plan to life.


脱碳 isn’t just about cutting emissions (although that’s very important). 这也有帮助 save your organisation money and builds a greener future. By embracing decarbonisation, you’re showing your commitment to sustainability and presenting your organisation as an eco-friendly leader.

所以,不要等待. Kick off your decarbonisation journey now and enjoy the benefits of lower 能源 costs and a cleaner, 环保的世界.

的见解 from Mike Sewell, Plan Zero Director at Mitie.

